
Hello there!

I'm Chloe, known as echochlo in other online communities. My day job includes lots of marketing things and some UX/UI design.

a selfie of me (a young woman with brown eyes, glasses on top of her head, a long-sleeved green shirt, and long red hair) smiling in a green house with dozens of pink and purple flowers behind me.
I recently picked up crocheting as my newest creative endeavor, one of many I've tried. I'm usually someone who gives up if they're immediately not good at something, I actually stuck with crochet. So with a cheap crochet hook, some cute yarn, and a dream (all picked up at Michael's), I went for it.
My first creations were...less than impressive. It was mostly learning the basic stitches and attempting to make squares. They look more like triangles. Very messed up triangles. Since I've given up on so many hobbies before, I really wanted to give this a real and genuine shot. I've seen the cool things people have made, and I wanted to do the same. I wanted to make gifts for my friends and family! I want to be the grandma that does those things!...at 25
After many messed up triangles of all sizes, they started looking more like squares. I started making blankets and beanies. Then I discovered something amazing, I could make the CUTEST little guys. Amigurumi was PERFECT for me.
I made a blanket for my mom one Christmas and she gifted me those Woobles kits. If she didn't do that, I don't know if this store would be here. So thanks, Mom! :D
So at the time of writing this, I'm only selling the bees I've made, but who knows what the future holds.

You can find me on my social medias (@echochlo on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram) and streaming on Twitch, whether it's me crocheting these orders while hanging out with chat or even gasp playing a video game :O